From fillers to injectibles to Botox, the lengths many will take to maintain an anti-aging appearance is daunting and at times expensive. Botox – the more notorious of the crew – is one credited for youthful appearances, wrinkle-free living and at times (if done too often) its freezing effects. But what if there was another more non-invasive solution to bypass the discomfort, needles, and other unsightly companions to Botox?
Now enters frotox. Well, not really frotox – but the Cryocure Facial. Labeled as beauty’s hottest, and dare we say “coolest” new trend, this cryotherapy or “freeze therapy” technique uses freezing temperatures to reduce wrinkles, boost radiance and firm the skin. A technique used as early as the seventeenth century, cryotherapy returns by way of Cryocure, as the most sought after facial boasting multiple benefits.
“Therapies that use cold temperature can stimulate circulation,” says Yevgenya Freylikhman, Director of Skintology Med-Spa in Manhattan.
And with this circulation comes reduced pore size, decreased wrinkles and lines, stimulated collagen production, improved blood flow, and brightening of dark spots. So just how does the Cryocure Facial work?
A controlled beam of vaporized liquid nitrogen is used to freeze the skin of the face, neck, scalp, and neck area. The cold nitrogen instantaneously tightens the skin, filling in fine lines and wrinkles. Collagen is activated to produce more cells, causing the skin to become more elastic over repeated use. The facial also flushes away built up toxins in the skin and soothes inflammation, eliminating dreaded puffiness.
For those weighing the pros and cons of traditional Botox versus the Cryocure Facial, Freylikhman notes,
“The effects can be seen immediately and last for up to four months. And as nitrogen occurs naturally in the body, you aren’t putting a foreign substance in to your system.”
So the question bids: Botox versus Frotox? You be the judge. Alas — welcome to the modern “Ice” Age.