Rhinoplasty, sometimes better known as a “nose job,” can be performed for both cosmetic and medical reasons. Some people simply don’t like the shape or size of their nose. Others have physical defects that make it difficult to breathe. Traumatic injuries can also create a need for nose revision surgery to correct both form and function.
But whatever the circumstance, thousands of people choose to have rhinoplasty every year. Regardless of your reason for considering nose surgery, there are a few things you need to know before taking the plunge.
You Can See Your Results Beforehand.
Many plastic surgeons offer 3D imaging to create a computer simulation of your predicted results. Dr. Michael Bogdan (pictured left), a Dallas rhinoplasty surgeon near Dallas, TX, uses the Canfield Scientific VECTRA M3 imager and Face Sculptor software to show patients simulated before-and-after photos before ever going under the knife.
This technology uses multiple cameras to build a 3-dimensional model of your face. The Sculptor software enables the doctor to change the dimensions of your nose virtually, allowing you to see your expected surgical results. Of course, the simulated images are nothing more than a prediction, so make sure you choose an extremely skilled surgeon who understands your goals.
You May Want to “Test Run” Your Results with Dermal Fillers.
For people who are only concerned about minor cosmetic changes, dermal fillers can be an excellent option. This allows you to try out your results before committing to surgery. Dermal fillers provide volume that can help sculpt a smoother nasal bridge or correct other irregularities in nasal shape. However, according to an article on newbeauty.com, fillers can’t do much to improve the nasal tip. In this case, surgery is almost always your best option.
Your Final Results May Take a Year or More.
Many people don’t realize that it can take between 6 and 15 months before you see your final rhinoplasty results. That’s because swelling can take a long time to fully subside. Most people will notice their swelling decrease significantly in the first 2 to 6 weeks, but subtle changes may occur over the next year or more.
Your Nose Should Still Look Like You.
Rhinoplasty isn’t meant to give you someone else’s nose. It’s designed to improve the appearance of your nose while still maintaining your unique look. If your hope is to go into surgery looking like one person and come out looking like another, it’s time to rethink your expectations. You should still look like you, but with better nasal symmetry, balance, and in some cases, function.
Choose a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon with Rhinoplasty Training.
Choosing the right plastic surgeon is important for any surgery, but it’s especially important for rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is a very complex procedure and it requires significant surgical skill. A board-certified plastic surgeon has had extensive specialized training in procedures such as nose surgery. Additionally, you may want to look for a Dallas rhinoplasty surgeon who is a member of The Rhinoplasty Society, an organization for the top surgeons in the world specializing in noses.
***This post is sponsored on behalf of Dr. Michael Bogdan.***