Inspire N Style Magazine (InS) hosted an advanced screening of the Nancy Meyers directed film, The Intern, at the...
Read moreBMW is credited for the creation of the “ultimate driving machine”, so it goes without saying that the luxury car...
Read moreLeading the list of committed breast cancer awareness supporters, Southern department store chain Belk, recently announced its annual participation in...
Read moreBe inspired with this newly revised guidebook for today's modern woman... From selfies to contouring to smart devices, everyday living...
Read moreBe Inspired for Creative Entertaining... American fashion designer and elegant ready-to-wear creator Lela Rose will grace her Highland Park Village...
Read moreIt’s the ultimate creator of warm fuzzy feelings, the "best part of waking up," and the one thing that...
Read moreThe sixth annual Purses with a Purpose is set to return to Dallas on October 21st, and it’s more than...
Read moreCasual eateries usually deliver a lackluster menu, peppered with an ultra-relaxed attitude toward freshness and flavor complexity. Lazy Dog Restaurant...
Read moreIn my years of fashion and lifestyle reporting, I can honestly say that the people I've met and interviewed --...
Read moreA new culinary adventure is heading to Dallas, and it's more than just delectable treats for the palate. Savory bites...
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