Even though quarantine guidelines have gradually begun to lift across the United States, the threat of catching the virus is still a major concern. Physical activity has been shown to benefit your body in a number of ways, whether you’re interested in shedding the quarantine 15 or reducing your levels of stress. But how do we stay active and safe in the time of COVID-19?
Here are some of the best ways that you can stay active — and safe — as we move into the colder fall months this year.
Try to integrate more movement into your everyday life
For those who have desk jobs, moving around has always been a problem. Now that many people are working from home on top of that, most have become accustomed to immediately stationing themselves on the couch when they clock out.
This is detrimental in a number of ways: lack of physical movement can stiffen muscles and joints, encouraging a sedentary lifestyle. It also makes you feel more lethargic and stressed out since there’s little variation occurring throughout your day.
Luckily, there are a few ways that you can integrate simple physical activity throughout your day. If you happen to talk on the phone for work, pacing while you’re taking those calls can stretch your limbs. You can also go on short walks during your break as long as you’re wearing a mask and social distancing. Getting some much-needed vitamin D will also benefit your mood, especially when we transition into fall. Some sites even recommend getting a pair of hand weights to use when you’re doing more menial tasks at your desk, like reading.
Look up fun classes online
If you’re used to working out with other people, it makes sense that you wouldn’t want to do it alone. You can gain a sense of community if you find some fun classes online.
Many professional athletes, personal trainers, and active YouTubers have all started offering basic videos and tutorials to help folks stay healthy during quarantine. Look for videos that cater to your skill level and save the ones that you like the most. If you’re looking for live options, many local gyms and popular fitness gurus regularly have live-streaming events to answer your questions and make you feel more engaged. Just be sure to mark it in your calendar so you don’t forget! You should also turn on the air conditioning to stay cool when you start working up a sweat. This will encourage you to keep going, even when you’re getting tired.
You can also try going to in-person meet-ups but only if you’re committed to social distancing. Wear a mask, keep a distance of six feet from other people, and bring hand sanitizer if you have any. If you’re using any equipment provided by the trainer, be sure to ask if they have sanitized the equipment and bring your own wipes if necessary. COVID-19 guidelines also recommend that you stay close to home in the event that you get injured or experience an emergency. It’s much easier to go to your local urgent care than to find one that’s far away.
Get outdoors (safely)
Before the cold weather sets in, now is the perfect time to take in more sunshine. As mentioned above, even going for a walking and soaking up some sun can help boost your mood and keep your body limber.
There are plenty of ways to stay active outdoors during the time of COVID-19 — you just have to be smart about it. Avoid particularly busy outdoor spaces, like local parks or small beaches. Going on hikes is a great way to get your heart pumping. Look for difficult trails that are less populated or check out mountain biking spots nearby. Both of these options will have fewer people and the people you will encounter can be avoided by walking around them. Just be careful around trailheads and outlooks where many people gather. Did you know that more than 15% of adults have trouble hearing? Stay vigilant when you’re outdoors in order to avoid other people.
Eat healthier
A part of staying healthy in quarantine is fueling your body with the right stuff. It’s okay to give into your cravings once in a while, but you should be prioritizing healthy food as often as you can. If you don’t know where to start, just try to incorporate fruits and veggies as often as you can. According to the U.S. Census, more than 233 million Americans use Mexican food and ingredients in their favorite meals. Since this type of cuisine is usually packed with veggies, this can be a great place to start.
Eating right will also give you the energy you need to work out or stay physically active.
Staying active during quarantine hasn’t been easy, but as we move into the colder months, it’s likely going to get even harder. When you want to live a more active lifestyle while staying healthy from COVID-19, consider these tips.